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I'm Not Sure Who Coined The Phrase "Go Where You're Celebrated--Not Tolerated"

Sara Sutherland • March 22, 2021

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I'm not sure who coined the phrase "Go where you're celebrated--not tolerated," but I can tell you that we only have a finite amount of time on this earth, so I know I prefer to spend it with people who challenge me to be better and always lift me up.


Our focus is to challenge you, of course but also to celebrate every achievement, both big and small.


We are going to push you to be a better version of yourself, and along the way, you can guarantee that we are going to take some time and celebrate you and your achievements.


Life is too short to be around negativity.


Let's inspire others. You see, our community is more than just a gym. It's a place where we lift each other up.

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