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FOCUs On The Positive!

Sara Sutherland • August 9, 2022

Every day, we make choices. What time do we wake up? How do we handle getting cut off in traffic? Who do we smile at? When do we eat? How do we react to situations that present themselves each and every day?

While we don't get to control everything that happens to us, we do get to control how we react and take action.


Here's something that I have done that really changes my mindset.


I replace my "have-to’s" with "get-to’s"


Instead of "I have to go to work,'' it's "I get to go to work."


Instead of "I have to do this boring task" it's "I get to do that boring task.”


When you replace your "have-to’s" with "get-to’s", life is so much better. You're more grateful, happier, and you'll get to focus on the positive!


One last thing - this one has really changed my life. Instead of telling people that I don't have the time, I tell them that I haven't made the time or that I need to make time for something.


You see, when we take ownership of our actions, we can accomplish anything.


You "GET TO" come to the gym - and we can't wait for you to do it!

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