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Do You Read Nutrition Labels?

Sara Sutherland • November 23, 2021

If not, it’s time to start. Sugar is lurking everywhere in packaged foods, even in products labeled “natural” and “organic.” We believe if you’re going to eat something with added sugar, you should know it, so you can enjoy it! Nothing is worse than finding out something you’ve been eating every day for years is packed with sugar.


To avoid accidentally eating more sugar than you realize, check the labels of these four sneaky sugar sources:


1. Energy bars

2. Yogurt

3. Salad dressing

4. Ketchup


If you don’t eat these foods, take a look at the nutrition labels of packaged food you eat regularly. Can’t visualize a gram of sugar? To convert to teaspoons, divide the grams of sugar on the label by four. So if your yogurt has 28 grams of sugar per serving, you are eating 7 teaspoons of sugar.

Now, sugar is NOT inherently bad! It all depends on what else you eat in your day and how many total calories you consume.  We just don’t like it when it is marketed as a “health” food and yet you would be just the same off actually just eating the Snickers bar. 

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