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Blow The Dust Off Your Gym Shoes! It's Time To Pick Up Where You Left Off!

Sara Sutherland • May 3, 2022

We understand.


Sometimes life gets in the way. Work, family, illness -- often a combination of all three -- can prevent you from going to the gym. Then the longer you stay away, the harder it is to return. You may feel worried you’ll be out of shape or concerned we’ll give you a hard time for being gone for so long.


Don’t worry.


First, we are always happy to see you. We understand life happens, and we won’t hassle you about being gone.


Second, it’s likely you won’t be exactly where you were when you left. And that’s okay! The important thing is to begin, and before you know it you’ll be back where you started.

Here are some guidelines to follow when returning to the gym after a long hiatus:

● Start slow. Don’t overdo it on the first day. Back off on the intensity, and just get  used to moving again.

● Take a rest day or two. You shouldn’t work out five days in a row on your first week back. Try coming in for three days, with a rest of day in between each workout.

● Focus on stretching. The extra stretching session will help prevent tightness and keep you limber and ready for the next workout.

● Get lots of sleep. Your body needs time to recover, so go to bed early and get a  good night’s sleep before each workout.


Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about returning after some time away. We will do everything we can to make your re-entry process fun and easy!

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